07 January 2010

I twitch

i have an eye twitch in my face i think
because my cornea is irritated

upper division latin is hard

karen is displeased by the vegan
butter substitute in the refrigerator

i think the muscle that is twitching my eye is getting tired and sore, but it can't help itself. it's like it gets off on flexing.

oats are bitter when baked?
notes on this observation later.


I forgot to post my pie recipe onto karen's cooking blog.
this will be the new thing,

Bryce and I unfortunately lack this magic bean that breaks alcohol down in our bodies. Or something. Friends and family agree. I am much more fun unintoxicated.

THUS. We will open a bar in the future that serves pie shots.
tiny bite-sized pies. (think about it: higher crust to inside ratio)
and soup shots. (like soup in bread bowls. but in a bread shot-glass)