15 March 2010

I'm not comfortable save for my old teenagery xanga page

I'm trying to grow out of it, but I guess if I'm so unsettled everywhere else, I must not be ready.
Here's to triumphing over adolescence:

24 January 2010

my dream last night, told backwards

inside a old hong kong pin-up there's a girl that you'd recognize.
she bought noodles from the noodle house. the same one you went to with all of your friends. she asked for a boiled egg, pickled and salted vegetables with the thick noodles even though she probably couldn't afford food for the rest of the week with what's she's spending on that bowl of noodles, but she's thinking fuck it all, if there's ever going to be a day for noodles today's the day for it.
outside, a mob is brewing, but it had nothing to do with her.

previously, an old matron with long fingernails had just explained the notion of class to her. Beside the matron stood a girl with downcast eyes, the daughter, a friend of hers, who is now never to speak to our protagonist again. The thing about class is, it's there for a reason, dear. We know how to handle ourselves delicately. We took you in because you showed promise, but I see now, truly, my mistake.
I thought better of you too, Our protagonist responds, and leaves for downstairs.
The matron keeps her contempt expression, until the daughter takes a certain red hairpin from her head, and taps it onto her mothers, as if to say, this is shameful. I will have nothing to do with this. The matron is left alone behind her glass desk, full of magnificent dead butterflies.

previously, we see a montage of a rich young bachelor at a table, meeting with families trying their best to market the marriageability of their daughters. he's not very attractive. but he's rich and he's proud of the fact he has the choice of picking the kinkiest one. And perhaps after a while...pick a second wife...
One of the families is the matron with her daughter, and the personal maid and best friend of the daughter, our protagonist. Do you see my daughter there? says the matron to the bachelor. He nods, watching the wrong girl. The matron, a seasoned and veteran businesswoman herself, starts her long and seductive promotion of her daughter, unknowingly luring the poor man into falling in love with our protagonist.

A pervert and greedy woman! What am I dreaming these days?

my other dream was one where
I was part of an troupe of actors who performed on-stage as superheros. I was the small, "ethnic" one and my suit was light purple. I panicked, realizing I had never rehearsed at all. I went to the other dressing room, found another superhero and asked him for the script.
As I was reading it I realized
I didn't know my character's name at all.

This is the hammerhead spaceship.

I am dreaming of climbing a tree. A small one.
So small it is only a scar in the ground.

07 January 2010

I twitch

i have an eye twitch in my face i think
because my cornea is irritated

upper division latin is hard

karen is displeased by the vegan
butter substitute in the refrigerator

i think the muscle that is twitching my eye is getting tired and sore, but it can't help itself. it's like it gets off on flexing.

oats are bitter when baked?
notes on this observation later.


I forgot to post my pie recipe onto karen's cooking blog.
this will be the new thing,

Bryce and I unfortunately lack this magic bean that breaks alcohol down in our bodies. Or something. Friends and family agree. I am much more fun unintoxicated.

THUS. We will open a bar in the future that serves pie shots.
tiny bite-sized pies. (think about it: higher crust to inside ratio)
and soup shots. (like soup in bread bowls. but in a bread shot-glass)